02-14-2016, 04:22 PM |
اخبار سودانيزاونلاين
اخبار سودانيزاونلاين
Registered: 10-25-2013
Total Posts: 4607
European Union welcomes the visit of Ghandour to Brussels
03:22 PM February, 14 2016 Sudanese Online اخبار سودانيزاونلاين-فنكس-اريزونا-الولايات المتحدة My Library Short URL Ambassador Tomas Ulicny, Head of Delegation of the European Union to Sudan, was received by H.E. Dr. Ibrahim Ghandour, Minister of Foreign Affairs, today to discuss the upcoming visit of the latter to the institutions of the European Union from 15 - 17 February 2016. Ambassador Ulicny announced that the Sudanese Minister will meet with Federica Mogherini, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission. . Ghandour will also meet Dimitris Avramopoulos the Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship and Christos Stylianides the Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management. In the course of his visit, Ghandour will also meet with other high ranking European decision makers in the areas of human rights, democracy, and climate change, as well as leading members of the European Parliament and ambassadors of the twenty eight member states to the European Union Political and Security committee. Ambassador Ulicny said: "The visit is a step in the right direction for the Euro-Sudanese relations. It will open a door for a better understanding of Sudan and the region and provide an opportunity to explore new areas for cooperation, including migration, prevention of radicalisation and climate change. It will further pave the way for a permanent political European-Sudanese dialogue". "In 2016, there are 68 ongoing development and humanitarian projects supported by the European Union and implemented by UN Agencies, international organisations and Sudanese non-governmental organisations worth more than 150 million Euros. The visit will definitely discuss ways to better implement those projects including improved access to project sites", the European Union Ambassador said. Ambassador Ulicny highlighted the importance of facilitating the role of international organisations in Sudan to implement their projects in accordance with their mandate and ensure continuous assistance. He said that rising needs, as a result of more regional and international conflict, are putting increased pressure on donors to respond. Ambassador Ulicny reiterated the support of the European Union to peace and stability in Sudan and confirmed that the EU welcomed Ghandour's visit to discuss enhanced relations.
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