02-13-2016, 10:09 PM |
SudaneseOnline News
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Darfur Union in the United Kingdom - February Report on Atrocities Committed against the Sudan Peop
10:09 PM Feb, 14 2016 Sudanese Online SudaneseOnline News-Khartoum Sudan My Library Short URL
Summary of Bashir crimes and atrocities in Jabel Mara Mount, Golo, Rokoro, El-Geneina and Khartoum
As we are approaching the 7th anniversary Bashir indictment by the International Criminal Court ICC for committing crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes in Darfur ( for detail refer to ICC case ICC-OTP-20080714-PR341), Darfur Union in the United Kingdom has opted to provided regular, monthly reports, reflecting the hostilities, crimes and atrocities committed by against the people of Sudan in Darfur in Darfur province and also against the Students in various universities across Sudan. Here is the February reports summarising the latest from the grounds - Jabel Mara Mount, Golo, Rokoro, El-Geneina and Khartoum.
a) University of El-Geneina, in West Darfur has been under the spotlight of the pro government militias since the the city's massacre back in mid January 2016 (ref. http://wp.me/p77ak4-1Ghttp://wp.me/p77ak4-1G. The students there are vocal and have been advocates of freedom since the government war on Darfur began 13 years ago. Two weeks ago, the pro government militias entered the university main square to disperse a peaceful forum held by the students union. As a result, the militias detained a number of students and one of the detainees was Salah Eldin Gamar, who was tortured to death between the 31 of January - 01 of February (see our full report on http://wp.me/p77ak4-4Shttp://wp.me/p77ak4-4S. Below is the list of detainees:-
1) Jedda Ishag Ateem 2) Abdelhakeem Mubarak Elkheer 3) Osman Saleh Idrees 4) Alfadil Habib Yousif 5) Abdelmoniem Hassan Yasin 6) Mudathir Osman Ibrahim 7) Moawia Ibrahim 8) Samia AbdelNabi 9) Wathba Hassan 10) Abdel Allah Atif Tabaja 11) Salah Mohammed Ateem 12) Alamin Yousif 13) Abubaker Adam Abdel Allah 14) Altayeb Mohammed Arbab 15) Ahmed Jumma Hassan 16) Abdelmajid Haroun
b) The targeting of Darfuri students across Sudan. For the second time in a month the NISS personnels have targeted female students (Faculty of Education, University of Khartoum) at their dorm. The militias have thrown the students belongs, and subjected them to harassment and racist/ verbal abuse. The incident happened on the 27th of January 2016.
c) Gruesome reality on the ground. Bashir Air Force has caused havoc in West Darfur. The areas of Jabel Marra, Golo and Rokoro have been under bombardment for more than two weeks, causing a mass displacement of people to the eastern side of the state. According to the latest UN figures, more than 34000 persons fled the areas and now trapped in valleys and mountains, where made it very difficult for aid agencies to reach the vulnerable (as of the 8th of February).
d) In preparation for the government so called Darfur referendum (ref. http://wp.me/p77ak4-2ohttp://wp.me/p77ak4-2o) , and part of regime plans to dismantle IDP camps, a mini camp known as Aswad, resides in the eastern side of the town of Taweela. The camp was cleared from its residents and the people there were forced to flee and seek refuge in Rwanda IDP camp in Taweela, North Darfur. 28 January 2016.
e) Assassination of a young man by the ruthless pro government militia known as the Rapid Speed Force. The crime took place in El-Mawashi market, El-Fashir, North Darfur, 08 February 2016. Its nature is a reoccurring one. The militia confronted the young man, Abdelaziz Hamid Nour, and asked him to hand his car keys. Abdelaziz refused and moments later he was killed in the busy market.
The situation on the ground is unstable and may escalate to more forced displacement.
Darfur Union in the United Kingdom call upon the international community to put pressure on the Sudan government to stop targeting the civilian population of Darfur. Also to allow the humanitarian organisations to have full access treat the wounded, and provide aid to the displaced people. We call upon the UNAMID forces on he ground to protect the civilians, and to perform their duties with dignity and professionalism by reported incidents taking place across the Darfur, to execute the Mandate the is allowing them to function within the countries. The Union in the United Kingdom takes this chance to plea to the UK government to raise the issue in the United Nation by calling for an urgent meeting to provide protection to the civilians in the effected areas in Darfur.
We will continue providing regular updates about the current situation and other that may take place in Darfur. A copy of this report will be sent to the following:
1) Office of International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda, 2) The Sudans department, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office 3) United Nation, UNAMID Central Press Office, Kenya 4) Office of Secretary General, United Nation 5) Office of Secretary General, African Unisn 6) Department of the Sudans, US State Department.
Kind regards Osama Mahmoud Deputy Press Officer, Darfur Union in the United Kingdom
Website: http://darfurunionuk.wordpress.comhttp://darfurunionuk.wordpress.com Email: [email protected] Twitter: @Darfurunionuk
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