10 years of Partnership on Health in Sudan
06:22 PM Feb, 03 2016 Sudanese Online SudaneseOnline Press Release-Phoenix Arizona USA My Library Short URL
February 3, 2016: UNDP handed over the Tuberculosis Zonal Laboratory constructed in El-Fasher Teaching Hospital to the State Ministry of Health. The laboratory building and equipment are supported by the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, envisioned to improve the quality assurance of TB testing in the state and for Darfur states. Her Excellency, Dr Fatima Ibrahim Mohammed, State Minster of Social Welfare, representing the State Minister of Health inaugurated the Tuberculosis Zonal Laboratory by cutting the ribbon. She said that: “We thank UNDP and Global Fund for the support provided to North Darfur which will help us to face the challenges in the health sector. The laboratory that was established today is very important as effective treatment starts with correct diagnosis”. Dr Fatima assured that the partnership will help in eliminating the diseases, which will then reduce poverty and lead to sustainable development”. Speaking on the occasion, Mr Selva hailed UNDP’s 10 years of partnership with the Federal and State Ministries of Health and other implementing partners have helped to treat 14.4 million cases of malaria, distributing 16 million bednets and, providing 3,800 people with free AIDS treatment all over Sudan. Specifically the grant funds have been used to support 114 health facilities to provide free testing and treatment for malaria in North Darfur, distributing 1.6 million bednets, supporting 18 TB management units, 11 HIV testing centres and one HIV treatment centre in North Darfur. Dr. Muneer Mohammed Mattar, the Director General of State Ministry of Health added: “As we celebrate our achievements in North Darfur, our partnership with UNDP and Global Fund will be strengthened. The El-Fasher Teaching Hospital is celebrating 100 years of existence, and this facility will enhance its functioning to meet the health challenges to not only Darfur, but also to the neighbouring countries”. The Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria have been supporting HIV and AIDS, TB and Malaria Programmes as well as strengthening health system in Sudan since 2005. During the last 10 years, the global fund has invested around 400 million USD in Sudan. For Further information, please contact: Ms. Nagham Howash, Communication Analyst, UNDP/Global Fund-supported programs, email: [email protected]
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