01-12-2016, 06:52 PM |
Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
Registered: 10-21-2015
Total Posts: 2012
Dr. Zadjali: AOAD plans accompany directives of various Arab Summits
06:52 PM Jan, 12 2016 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library Short URL
Khartoum, January 12 (SUNA) - The Director-General of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) Dr. Tariq Ibin Musa Zadjali has said that the last period witnessed implementation of the programs and projects of the AOAD plan of the relation with to the sectors of agriculture and fisheries, which was based on the coordination of cooperation and consolidation of integration among the Arab countries, particularly in the fields of production, marketing, investment and strategic reserve of the key food commodities to reduce the food gap and increase inter-Arab trade of food commodities. Dr. Zadjali stressed, in his address Tuesday to the key sitting of the Fifth Session of the Executive Council of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development in Khartoum, AOAD accompanied the directives of the various Arab summits as an strategy for the agricultural development during the period 2011-2016, as well as the Arab initiatives (King Abdullah Initiative for Saudi agricultural investment abroad, the Initiative of President Omer Al-Bashir for agricultural investment in Sudan to achieve Arab food security, Green Morocco Plan, Initiative of Agriculture in Iraq, Sustainable Agricultural Development Strategy 2020 in Egypt, the Program of Economic and Peasant Renewal in Algeria, and other national and regional programs and plans for the Arab food security).
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