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Prime speech Sudan People's Liberation Movement and head of the Revolutionary Front for the New Yea

01-02-2016, 07:24 PM
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Prime speech Sudan People's Liberation Movement and head of the Revolutionary Front for the New Yea

    07:24 PM Jan, 02 2016

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    Fellow countrymen

    Fellow compatriots

    As we are crossing the year 2015 into 2016, I would like to use the occasion to congratulate my fellow compatriots and fellow country men, wherever they are, in the liberated areas, in the government territory, in towns in Sudan, in the refugee and IDPs camps and in the diaspora.

    I salute the resilience and historic sacrifices paid by our fellow Sudanese specifically in Nuba mountain /South Kordufan , Blue Nile and Darfur. They have categorically resisted all the human evils inflicted by the government-sponsored militias and patrician army of the NCP endured the horrible bombs of the Antinov that became a daily phenomenon.

    I salute and congratulate fellow countrymen, members of the Sudan Call (SRF, UMMA Party, NCF, and Civil Society organizations) for their heroic positions and persistent resistance to the Sudanese oppressive system, I believe all sticking together will narrow the opportunities of the regime to escape the imminent demise.

    I salute the Sudanese citizens and other opposition political parties who are not members of the Sudan Call forces for their patient to the poverty, scarcity and humiliation done by the regime, we are in the same trench.


    Last year marked and sealed 60 years since we last saw off the heals of the colonial power and our country is shamelessly still unable to answer the question which was supposed to be addressed how Sudan is going to be ruled, Sixty years ago we are nevertheless proud that we liberated ourselves from the British, the same Sixty Years of civil wars and bloodshed in East Sudan, Darfur, Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile, the same Sixty Years and most of the Sudanese are below poverty line and the country is been categorized as a failed country, Sixty years and currently the country at the verge of total collapse.

    All this because leaders and politicians have decided to adopt narrow programme of religion and ethnicity rather than a wider programme of social justice and nation building on bases of citizenship.


    We are approaching the New Year and the government records has never changed, on the contrary. The economy is behaving badly , it attempted to rejuvenate the economy indulged in the Arab coalition (Asifat Al-Hazm ) on mere economical grounds to pump into the economy few millions of Arab pledges , which disappoint the government because the amount pledges has not been delivered . Yet it committed forces in Yemen for more millions which were as well nominal in form of development of constructing infamous Dams on the Nile. Dams that are amount to human rights abuses and were resisted by the natives of those ancient towns and villages.

    The economy will not be invigorated with those nominal millions but by stopping the wars that consume the growth. It obstructed all attempts to reach a comprehensive peace settlement, denying access to the needy people, internally persisting on human rights abuses, media censorship, arrest of members of the political parties and CSO activist. To add salt to injury it conducted the partial elections in April to have questionable legitimacy as it currently commandeered the concept of National Dialogue just to embark on NCP to NCP dialogue purposely for de-merited mandate rather than democratic transformation and stopping the wars.

    NCP, internally trimmed its political structure and detached prominent erstwhile leaders such as Dr. Nafie , Awad Eljaz , and Ali Osman Taha concentrating power into the hands of the President , making it frailer and more isolated.

    We are approaching the coming year and South Sudan, the sisterly nation have stopped killing themselves choosing to embrace peace and reconciliation, I on behalf of the movement congratulate them for cheering peace and rejecting violence and war that has consumed many innocent lives.


    We approach the New Year after we left 2015 behind full of SPLMN achievements. It was a year of internal restructuring and reorganization of the movement. You all recall the leadership resolution August 2015 and subsequent decisions, which were necessary to leap us to the new dimensions of the New Year more coherent and stronger.

    I would like to assure all the movement constituencies that the SPLAN is stronger than before and capable for defense and offense. Khartoum’s rhetoric about the military dry season offensive and achievement will be frustrated as previous years. No cause for alarm, congratulations to the SPLAN gallant forces for their usual heroic resistance to the NCP forces and militias.


    Elsewhere we are approaching the New Year and Europe is very much occupied with the wars against terror, political religions and huge influx of illegal immigrants and immigrants depending on which continent they come from. Europe is consciously aware of the future impact of immigrants. There are not traveling as individuals, they are cultures, customs, principles and psychological frame of mind that might not and cannot integrate with the western cultures, values and customs, aware that after ten to fifteen years these immigrants are going to be eligible voters and the human demography is going to be changed as well as the political landscape, Europe is not going to remain the same, Europeans are aware of alarm bells, occupied and absorbed with how to cope with that. Not interested in what is happening overseas, the problem is right at their doors.

    Congratulations to the SPLMN negotiating team and the advisors for their spectacular vigilance and insistence on the position of the SPLMN and objectives of comprehensive peaceful settlement to Sudan’s problem despite many challenges and pressures amount on them internally and externally, congratulations.

    Coping with the age of information, the SPLMN has come under friendly and hostile media fires and bombardments, some of these offenses are categorically from “friendly” coalition’s members who are too vulnerable to indict others, some from organizations which their titles more of a political NOVELS rather than of political forces, some are from hostile opponents which is understandable, I comment and congratulate the responsible manner our media team responded to them, congratulations for the job well done.


    With that background I would like to touch on the issue of peace settlement, as you recall we recently completed the 10th round of talks with GOS, the rounds was unsuccessful given the usual intransigencies of Khartoum, the deliberations and what took place has been explained by the reports of the Secretary General and the Spokesperson.

    I could like here to restate the position of the movement on the peaceful settlement, that the SPLMN will not sign any agreement that is not comprehensive involving all Sudanese stakeholders. News relating in the social media is not true that the SPLMN is reaching and about to sign a deal with the government, it is false and meant for triggering a political rift between the movement and the Sudan Call group. Furthermore SPLMN is joining the National dialogue of NCP to NCP later to be part of the NCP regime is again a big lie, this is not a right ship to put our flag on, our assurance to Sudan Call forces in that we will not go any mile without the others. Furthermore let me as well convey this message to the oppressed Sudanese, this regime must stand to be transform, we must all put our acts together to bring about change, it is doable, for doubting Thomas I would solemnly remind them, “Dictators have ends, a disastrous ends for that matter, Bashir is not exceptional, the corpses of the mutilated innocent children and the curse of the raped women of Tabit and in the war torn areas will haunt him everywhere, change must come.


    I reiterate my best wishes to all, allouta continua.

    Malik Agar Eyre

    Chairman SPLMN and

    Chairman SRF


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