12-20-2015, 03:17 PM |
SudaneseOnline News
SudaneseOnline News
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 2162
European Union Ambassador congratulates the Sudanese on the holiday season
03:17 PM Dec, 20 2015 Sudanese Online SudaneseOnline News-Khartoum Sudan My Library Short URL Ambassador Tomas Ulicny, Head of Delegation of the European Union to Sudan congratulated the Sudanese ahead of the holiday season. The celebrations include Christmas, Prophet Mohamed's Birthday, New Year and the Anniversary of the Independence of Sudan. “I would like to congratulate all the Sudanese on the occasions of Christmas, Prophet Mohamed's Birthday, New Year and the Anniversary of the Independence of Sudan. It is a blessing for all Sudanese, Muslims and Christians, from all political and ethnic backgrounds to rejoice on these occasions. These celebrations bring with them an opportunity for all of us to rethink and to continue efforts to make Sudan more peaceful, more stable, more prosperous and more reconciled with itself and the world. In 2015, Europe witnessed the deadly terror of the Paris bombings. This incident showed us the ugly face of intolerance and radicalism. But it demonstrated that we need to proceed and act rapidly to understand how these incidents came about and how we can prevent them from occurring again. These events compel the Europeans and our partners around the world to work together, hand in hand for a peaceful world, for universally protected human rights, for more tolerant, reconciled and moderate societies and for equal opportunities and fairer development. All this cannot be achieved without tireless, genuine and inclusive dialogue. Dialogue inside Europe and beyond. We are ready to deepen this dialogue with committed partners”. “Kolo Sana Wa into Taybeen” أحدث المقالات- السودان : هل تسلم الجرة بزوغة وزير المالية! بقلم د. على حمد ابراهيم
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