12-14-2015, 07:34 PM |
Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
Registered: 10-21-2015
Total Posts: 2012
Arrangements completed for convening of Sudanese Russian Joint Committee in Khartoum next week
06:34 PM Dec, 14 2015 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library Short URL Khartoum, Dec. 14 (SUNA) - The Minister of Minerals Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Sadiq Al-Karuri has affirmed that all arrangements have been completed for convening of the Joint Sudanese-Russian Ministerial Committee in Khartoum on 19th of the current December.The Minister of Minerals, Head of the Sudanese side in the Joint Ministerial Committee held a plenary meeting Monday included the Minister of Oil, the Minister of Foreign Trade, the State Minister at the Ministry of Finance and the State Minister at the Ministry of Investment as well as Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Sudan and a number of representatives of the ministries of economic services.The minister pointed out, in a press statement after the meeting, that the high-level Russian delegation includes more than 57 persons from public and private sectors, led by the Natural Resources Minister Sergei Donskoi, will arrive in Sudan on December 19 to participate in the activities of the committee, which is to last for four days.The minister stressed that the Russian side is sticking to the signing of a number of agreements and memos of understanding and implementation of the previous agreements to consolidate the economic relations between the two countries, hoping that the committee's meetings to be culminated with a success to service the interests of the two countries.The meeting discussed a number of outstanding issues between the two sides including the repayment of Russian debt on Sudan and the commodity loan Representing in wheat and the automated bakery for mixed bread, which the Russian side is to establish it in Khartoum state to produce 316,000 pieces of bread a day, along with the construction of number of dams.Meanwhile, the Minister of Oil and Gas Mohamed Zayid Awad revealed a joint venture with The Russian GTL company for the production of cooking gas, which will be in August or September next year, pointing out that the project is to change cooking gas to gasoline in a later stage. أحدث المقالات- تحد على الهواء مباشرة..!! بقلم نور الدين محمد عثمان نور الدين
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