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Abu Nagma:: Annual Conference of Thought Supports National and Societal Dialogue
12-14-2015, 06:29 PM |
Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
Registered: 10-21-2015
Total Posts: 2012
Abu Nagma:: Annual Conference of Thought Supports National and Societal Dialogue
05:29 PM Dec, 14 2015 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library Short URL Khartoum, Dexc.14 (SUNA) - The Chairwoman of the National Congress's Thought and Culture Sector, D r . Entisar Aby-Nagma has announced that the organization of the Annual Though Conference which started sessions, Monday, at the Friendship Hall, and sponsored by the President of the Republic, Field Marshal, Omer Al-Basher comes in support of the ongoing national and societal Dialogue .Abu-Nagma addressing the inaugural session of the conference , which attended by a number of senior officials, foreign guests and the members of the diplomatic missions in Khartoum, said the conference will introduce a model for the Islamic nation and community for the leadership of intellectuals, support values of political practice and stability .She pointed out that the conference comes in response to the current regional and international developments . أحدث المقالات- تحد على الهواء مباشرة..!! بقلم نور الدين محمد عثمان نور الدين
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