12-10-2015, 07:45 PM |
Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
Registered: 10-21-2015
Total Posts: 2012
Khartoum University organizes workshop about Rights of Persons with Disabilities
06:45 PM Dec, 10 2015 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library Short URL Khartoum, Dec.9(SUNA)-The Faculty of Law at Khartoum University, in collaboration with the Open Community Initiative of East Africa and the Sudanese Human Rights Watchdog organized , Wednesday , at Sharija Hall , a workshop about the Rights of Persons with Disabilities with wide participation from media and specialists.The Dean of Faculty of Law at Khartoum University, Dr Al-Tayeb Murkaz Ali said the workshop came within framework of the Faculty programs to raise people's legal awareness and to informed the persons with disabilities per see with their rights, stressing the Faculty support to the people with disabilities.Executive Director of the Sudanese Human Rights Watchdog, Al-Baraq Al-Nazeer called for concerted efforts to incorporate rights of persons with disabilities in all fields.He admitted existence of some delinquencies towards persons with disabilities , calling on the State to chart a comprehensive plan through which rights of people with disabilities could be displayed.A number of working papers tackling the legal and conceptual framework of rights of disabled persons in Sudan in the light of international conventions were discussed during the workshop. أحدث المقالات- حكومات الانقاذ .. و اجادة فن الفهلوة ..؟؟ بقلم حمد مدنى
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