11-23-2015, 03:23 PM |
Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
Registered: 10-21-2015
Total Posts: 2012
Sudan to host Arab Economic Unity Council's meetings next December
03:23 PM Nov, 23 2015 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library Short URL Khartoum, Nov. 23 (SUNA) - The Undersecretary of the Ministry of International Cooperation and the Head of the Higher Preparatory Committee for the Meetings of the Regular Session of the Arab Economic Unity Council No. (101) Al-Tahir Suleiman Edam has underlined importance of Sudan hosting to those meetings, which is to be held on the 10th of next December in Khartoum.Edam briefed the meeting of the committee Monday on the comprehensive efforts made by Sudan represented in the Minister of International Cooperation to provide logistic capabilities that help in the success of the activities of the higher committee and the sub-committees. He urged speeding up the pace to complete the work, pointing out that the official attendance will be at a high-level including ten ministers and businessmen from Arab countries.Edam stressed that Sudan is considered as a livestock's stock of exchange that could provide in the world with live cattle and refrigerated meat, stressing the need for good preparation for this great demonstration, especially the accompanying exhibition, which will reflect the diversity and products of the livestock in Sudan.Meanwhile, the meeting underscored the need to exert more effort for the success of the meetings that are supportive of the national economyأحدث المقالاتروابط لمواضيع من سودانيزاونلاين- إنه أبٌ طيبٌ! قالت أمي : لقد أصبحت كبيرا ومن حقك الان أن تزوره
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