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Joint statement on the meeting with the European Parliament and European peace envoys

06-12-2015, 06:59 AM
SudaneseOnline Press Release
<aSudaneseOnline Press Release
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Joint statement on the meeting with the European Parliament and European peace envoys

    05:59 AM Jun, 12 2015
    Sudanese Online
    SudaneseOnline Press Release-Phoenix Arizona USA
    My Library at SudaneseOnline

    In response to the invitation by the European Parliament, a delegation of the Sudanese national opposition forces attended a hearing session at the European Parliament at Strasburg on June 9, 2015. Four papers were presented by Umma Party, Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF), National Forces for change (NFC) and women Sudan, while delegation of National consensus Forum and other participants had been prevented from traveling by the Sudanese security authorities. Views of the different Sudanese national opposition forces were identical concerning the war, political and humanitarian crisis and their effects not only on the volatile regional, but also on the international peace and security.
    Extensive discussion was held around the basic requirements of a successful national dialogue that can direct Sudan and the region away from the risk of slipping towards disintegration or chaos. European parliamentarians confirmed their interest and follow up what is happening in Sudan, especially after the recent elections that lacked transparency, freedom and integrity international standards. The need to adopt a comprehensive approach to democratic transformation in Sudan becomes necassary; the approach that goes beyond power-sharing, to the political structure and the system of governance.
    Delegation of the Sudanese national opposition forces emphasized their preference to the national dialogue and the peaceful transition as a strategic option, despite the lack of credibility and seriousness from the government side, as proven by the government refusal to attend the Preparatory Meeting of National Dialogue at Addis Ababa; the situation that requires a new approach to the national dialogue in the Sudan and basic requirements such as:
    1. A comprehensive cease-fire in all fronts and allowing humanitarian aid through arrangements agreed upon for a specified period.
    2. Release of all political detainees and those who are convicted because of war and to ensure their participation in the national dialogue.
    3. Abolition of all laws that restricts freedoms and ensure of freedom of expression and rights of political organization and social mobility; for individuals, political parties and civil society organizations; the requirements necessary for genuine, transparent and fruitful national dialogue.
    4. Formation of a national dialogue mechanism agreed upon by all stakeholders, with a leadership acceptable for all Sudanese people. African Union and the international community are to be present as witness and guarantor of the implementation of the results.
    5. A new mandate to the African Union high-level mechanism backed by a binding decision from the international community.
    Ways to support the peace process and democratic transition in Sudan by the European Parliament and EU countries were discussed, where some parliamentarians and leaders of committees confirmed their readiness and commitment to do so.
    Sudanese National Opposition Forces also met with leaders of the European Union including French ministry of Foreign Affairs, office of the Special US Envoy, Special Envoy of the State of Great Britain to Sudan and the envoy of the European Union; views also are identical on the assessment of the political situation in Sudan, as the national forces and special envoys stressed the importance of a comprehensive political solution that can lead to ending of war, peace-building and the establishment of a democratic system.
    At a meeting among Sudanese National Opposition Forces that have managed to come to Paris, membership of the National Forces for change (NFC) in Sudan Call Groups was emphasized by Umma Party and SRF beside agreement on the need to strive to achieve the unity among all Sudanese opposition forces so as to foster a safe way out from the Sudanese crisis.
    Umma National Party
    Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF)
    National forces for change (NFC)
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