05-29-2015, 11:29 PM |
SudaneseOnline News
SudaneseOnline News
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 2162
Sudan’s security says it will lift the suspension on 4 newspapers
11:29 PM May, 30 2015 Sudanese Online SudaneseOnline News-Khartoum Sudan My Library at SudaneseOnline
Sudan’s National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) announced on Thursday that it welcomes the initiative made by the Sudanese Journalists Union (SJU) to overcome the reasons that led to suspending of 4 newspapers last Monday. The director of the NISS media department stressed during his meeting with SJU that they will respond soonest possible to the SJU’s requests for lifting the suspension on the 4 newspapers the meeting between the two parties underscored the role of the newspapers and the need to synchronize between freedoms and the responsibility so that newspapers and media could play their role and professional duty in accordance with sound basis that would contribute in cementing social peace and instill lofty Sudanese values and safeguard the national cohesion. NISS has reaffirmed its backing and support and keenness for a sound journalistic practice, characterized by transparency and away from any weakness towards any form of harmful publication that undermines the values and traditions of the society. Sudanese Journalists protested on Tuesday against confiscation of 10 newspapers by (NISS) on Monday, describing frequent seizure of newspapers without reason as clear violation for the 2005 interim constitution. Journalists say that NISS uses seizures of print copies of newspapers, not only to censor the media but also to weaken them economically.
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