05-23-2015, 03:51 AM |
SudaneseOnline News
SudaneseOnline News
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European Union Ambassador warns against rising extremism in the region
03:51 AM May, 23 2015 Sudanese Online SudaneseOnline News-Khartoum Sudan My Library at SudaneseOnline
 Prof. Ibrahim Ghandour, Assistant to the President of the Republic received the European Union Ambassador Tomas Ulicny at his office in the Republican Palace. At the meeting the European diplomat discussed the efforts to resume an inclusive national dialogue, the situation in South Sudan and the rising radicalization in the region of Horn of Africa. Ambassador Tomas Ulicny said to the journalists at the end of the meeting that he re- confirmed the European Union's position on the importance of an inclusive and comprehensive national dialogue to resolve the Sudanese problems. He added that both the government and opposition have to put Sudan and its people on the first place. He added further delays on the prcoess complicates the situation and threaten its credibility. Ambassador Tomas said the European Union believes in Sudan's territorial integrity, rejects violent regime change and wishes for a prosperous, secure, successful and stable Sudan. Ambassador Tomas informed the press about the European Union concern on rising extremism in the region. Ambassador Tomas said the extremists and those who portray the EU as hostile to Sudan refuse to accept frank and open dialogue about issues of common concerns. He described them as few but they are quite loud. He warned against the increased fragility and radicalization in the region to which Sudan is not immune. The European Union Ambassador said he is optimistic that Sudan and European countries can do better and work together for a prosperous region free from radicalization. أحدث المقالات
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