Attacks on Fany and Injemena villages in Sonot County
06:11 AM May, 08 2015 Sudanese Online الحركه الشعبيه لتحرير السودان شمال- My Library at SudaneseOnline
Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Movement-North SPLM/N condemn with strongest terms, the attacks by NCP so-called Rapid Support Forces RSF on Fany and Injemena villages of Kasha tribe in Al-Sonot County on 29/4/2015 the two villages are about 20 km south Abu-zabed Town, the direct order was by Maj.Gen/ Ahmed Khamis the governor of west Kordofan, the RSF broke into shops looted all goods and civilians properties, six civilians were wounded and they are 1-Ustaz/ Fysal Mohammed Zakariya- Headmaster of Injamena Secondary school, 2- Malik Hashim Sultan,3- Haggar Al-Ehemir,4- Mohammed Abbo,5- Abdal-Halim Ibrahim,6- Murad Osman Birema. Furthermore,14 other civilians were kidnapped, detained and forcibly taken to Alfula prison; they are, 1- Mamun Al-Fadhil Al-Fayig - The Mayor (Umda), 2- Abdalla Al-Fadhil,3- Idris Abbas Halluf,4- Ali Abbas Halluf,5- Juma Al-Mur,6- Juma Dhahwa,7- Saalim Omer,8- Adam Hamdan, 9- Amir Nasur Kumundar, 10- Saabir Hisen Adam,11- Harun Abdal-Gadir,12- ahmed Ibrahim,13- Ahmed Shayib,14- Musa Hilu. The NCP usually pressurize its leaders from Nuba and other marginalized areas to commit crimes against their own relatives to reaffirm their loyalties and ensure continuity in their positions at the expenses of the souls and blood of the innocent people. What has been done by Maj,Gen/ Ahmed Khamis clearly demonstrates how the such proxies of the ‘center’ insist on proving their ‘faithfulness’ in executing exactly what they are told to do even if it leads to the killing and displacement of their families; especially Khamis who wishes to remain in his position in any up-coming government. NCP should immediately release the detained people and stop terrorizing and oppressing the Sudanese people in general and people of Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile and Darfur in particular. Arnu Ngutulu Lodi SPLM/A-N official spokesman
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