04-17-2015, 05:57 PM |
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The AUEOM Preliminary Report on the Sudan General Elections
05:57 PM Apr, 17 2015 Sudanese Online SudaneseOnline News-Khartoum Sudan My Library at SudaneseOnline
PRELIMINARY REPORT OF THE AFRICAN UNION ELECTION OBSERVATION MISSION TO THE APRIL 2015 GENERAL ELECTIONS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SUDAN I. INTRODUCTION At the invitation of the Government of the Republic of Sudan and the National Electoral Commission of Sudan (NEC), the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, H.E. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, deployed a 20 member African Union Election Observer Mission to the 13-16 April 2015 General Elections to the Republic of Sudan in accordance with the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (2007) and the OAU/AU Declaration on the Principles Governing Democratic Elections in Africa (2002). Led by Honourable Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, Former President of Nigeria, the Mission is composed of 20 observers drawn from the Pan-African Parliament, African Ambassadors to the African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Election Management Bodies and African Civil Society Organisations from the following countries: Algeria, Djibouti, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Saharawi, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia, Zambia, Uganda and Zimbabwe. The Mission is supported by a team of experts from the African Union Commission (AUC), the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) and the Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa (EISA). The AU Pre-election Assessment Mission has released its findings on the pre-election environment and the report can be accessed on the AU website. In spite of its pre- election assessment report, the AU made a decision to send an election observation mission because the AU considers it important to maintain contact. This report however represents the Mission’s preliminary findings up until the closing of polls on 16 April, 2015. The Mission will continue to observe the post-electoral developments and a final report will be released upon the conclusion of the electoral process. 1 II. OBJECTIVES AND METHODOLOGY OF THE MISSION In line with the mandate provided in the AU instruments, the objective of the AU Mission is to make an independent, objective and impartial assessment of the April 2015 General Elections in Sudan. As part of the methodology and to realise its stated objectives, the Mission adopted a short term election observation methodology, which undertook the following activities in accordance with the African Union Guidelines on Election Observation and Election Monitoring missions: a. TheMissionconsultedwithkeysectorsoftheSudaneseStateandGovernment and key electoral stakeholders including the National Electoral Commission of Sudan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Police Department, the Chief Justice, the National Human Rights Commission, Diplomats accredited to the Republic of Sudan, political party representatives and local Civil Society Organisations. In addition, the Mission also met with other international election observation missions in Sudan. Among them are the Chinese observer delegation, the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), and the Inter- Governmental Authority for Development (IGAD). The Mission will hold further consultations with relevant stakeholders throughout the remainder of the election process. b. To enhance understanding of the political and electoral process in Sudan among the observers, the Mission conducted a day briefing/training session for its observers before deployment. c. The AU Mission deployed ten (10) teams of observers to 7 states across the country. On Election Days the teams visited over 400 polling stations in their areas of deployment. Meanwhile, the leadership of the AUEOM also engaged in consultations with key election stakeholders including the President of the Republic of Sudan, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Chief Justice, the National Electoral Commission of Sudan, leaders of political parties, civil society organisations and international election observation delegations present in Sudan. The AUEOM acknowledges receipt of a report from Amnesty International (AI) that outlines some issues on the human rights situation in the Republic of Sudan. The report was disseminated to all members of the AUEOM. The AUEOM also received the report of the AU Pre-election Assessment Mission to Sudan, which undertook activities from 1 to 10 March 2015. It has also been apprised by stakeholders of the electoral process from Sudan, including the Government and political parties, on the human rights situation in the country. The AUEOM noted that both reports point to a number of human rights suppressions that cannot be dismissed out of hand. In the opinion of the AUEOM, the election would have been enhanced in terms of its freedom and fairness if the suppressions mentioned in these reports had been avoided. The Mission notes the explanation given by authorities from the side of Government on the issue of addressing security 2 challenges and the emergency measures put in place that may have impacted on the basic rights and freedoms of citizens. The Mission’s assessment of the elections is based on the actual findings and reports by the short-term observers who were deployed in various states to observe polling and counting. III. PRELIMINARY FINDINGS AND OBSERVATIONS PRE-ELECTION ASSESSMENT The AUC deployed a pre-election mission from 1 to 10 March 2015 in order to collect information on the state of preparedness of the Republic of Sudan for the April 2015 General Elections. The pre-election assessment also undertook a review of the broad political and electoral environment in order to assess whether or not a conducive environment existed for the conduct of transparent, credible, free and fair elections in accordance with the principles of the African Union’s Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance, 2007. The pre-election assessment team held consultations with a broad range of stakeholders from 2 to 9 March 2015, including representatives of the NEC, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, political parties, electoral candidates, civil society organisations, the media, women’s groups, the Political Party Affairs Council, the Human Rights Commission, Parliament, African Union/United Nations (AU/UN) Hybrid Operations in Darfur (UNAMID), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) AU Liaison Office to Sudan, the Arab League, IGAD, African Ambassadors, the European Union, and Ambassadors of the ‘Troika’ – the United States of America, United Kingdom and Norway. Due to the limited time-frame the pre-election team was unable to visit areas outside the capital, Khartoum. Findings of the AUEOM: Based on its consultations and observations, the AUEOM presents the following findings: A: The Political Environment and Context for the 2015 Elections: a. The 2015 General Elections in the Republic of Sudan are being boycotted by the main opposition parties and some civil society organisation, who campaigned for a boycott of the 2015 elections. Considering the principle of inclusivity for credible elections, the AUEOM is concerned by the high number of stakeholders that boycotted the polls. The Republic of Sudan must strive to enhance its capacity of managing diversity to ensure that its electoral processes have the buy-in of the majority of its citizens. After all, the authority to govern must derive from the collective will of the citizens of Sudan in their diversity. This is critical for sustainable peace and development. b. The AUEOM noted that political parties that are considered serious opponents of the NCP were not given space to carry out their activities. Civic society organisations and the media also reported that they were not given space to discharge their mandates. These constraints did not enhance the quality of the elections. 3 B. The Legal Framework for the 2015 Elections: The AUEOM analysed the Constitution of the Republic of Sudan and the laws made thereunder that deal with electoral matters. a. TheAUEOMmadethefindingsthat,whiletherewereissuesmeritingattention going forward, it was possible under the current legal framework to conduct a generally credible poll. The AUEOM noted that the 2015 General Elections are largely conducted pursuant to a legal framework that obtained for the 2010 elections, save that some amendments were made to some of the laws post- 2010. Some of the amendments relate to the removal of the threshold to qualify for election to Parliament on the basis of the Party List Proportional Representation System, as well as the increase in the percentage of women to be elected to Parliament using the Women’s List Proportional Representation System from 25% to 30%. b. The main legal document that governs the electoral process is the Interim Constitution of the Republic of Sudan. The Constitution contains a Bill of Rights guaranteeing a number of fundamental civil and political liberties. The Constitution underwent some changes after the 2010 elections, some of which concentrate the powers in the Presidency. While this is a matter for the exclusive determination of the Sudanese people, where such powers are granted to executive institutions, such as the security institutions that limit fundamental freedoms protected by the Constitution, it impacts on the quality of the electoral process and the outcome of such process. c. The National Elections Act, which establishes the NEC, was also the subject of analysis by the AUEOM. The Act, in the opinion of the AUEOM, properly provides for the registration of Sudanese voters within the country and outside, and provides for their exercise of the right to vote, in accord with the principle of inclusivity. The registration of voters that had attained voting age after the last polls in 2010, and other corrections and updating were done between 28 October and 10 November 2014. The AUEOM finds the period allocated by the NEC inadequate for a thoroughgoing and inclusive process of review of the voters roll. d. The AUEOM also noted with concern the powers retained by the President under the Act vis-a-vis the NEC: These powers relate to removal of members of the NEC from office at the instance of a chairperson of the Commission. In the absence of due process, the AUEOM respectfully submits that such power is susceptible to abuse and undermines the security of tenure of members of the Commission. e. TheAUEOMhowevernoteswithsatisfactionthatthebudgetoftheNECisleft to the Commission itself, thereby ensuring a certain level of independence1. 1 Article 10(2)(q) of the National Elections Act 4 f. The Political Parties Act of 2007 regulates political parties through the Political Parties Council created by the Act. The AUEOM commends the Sudanese authorities for creating a clear framework for the regulation of parties, but encourages them to ensure that all political parties as stakeholders to any election, whether or not they are participating, recognize and feel the equal protection of the law espoused by the Constitution of the Republic of Sudan. C. ELECTION DAY OBSERVATIONS The Mission’s assessment of the Election Days is based on the actual findings and reports by the AU observer teams who were deployed in the various states and the observations made in the polling stations on Election Days. Opening of the poll The Mission is satisfied that most of the polling stations opened within the stipulated time of 8a.m. In certain instances, there were slight variations and delays, which did not compromise the opening of the poll or the overall time allocated for voting. Most of the polling units that opened late was due to the late arrival of polling personnel and election materials. Polling stations and election materials. a. Most of the polling stations were conveniently located with easy access to the voters. Polling stations were clearly marked and easily identifiable. For the most part, the polling stations were located in public places and voting done in the open. b. The Mission was satisfied that the layout of the polling stations was sufficient to guarantee the secrecy of the vote and the open voting enhanced transparency in the process. c. Most of the polling stations visited had an almost equal number of registered voters, and the mission noted that the registered voters per polling station was sufficient enough and manageable for the Electoral Commission personnel. d. In all the polling stations visited, the Mission noted the adequacy of election materials and there was no incident reported of insufficient materials at the polling stations. Voter turnout The Mission observed that there was a generally low turnout of voters throughout the voting days. This observation holds good for both rural and urban polling environments. Most polling places visited by AU observers had short queues. The low voter turnout may be attributed to the boycott by some opposition parties and civil society organisations. While a winner will eventually emerge, victory that is based on a majority of the registered voters is desirable, and reflects the will of the populace 5 in their numbers. Inclusivity is one of the critical ingredients for any electoral process, and is in sync with the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance. Election personnel The AUEOM noted that election personnel were in sufficient numbers in all polling stations visited. In the various polling stations visited by AU observer teams, there were variations in the application of polling procedures by polling personnel. This may reflect differences of interpretation of the procedures. Gender Representation Women were well represented on Election Days in various capacities. The Mission noted the impressive participation of women in the process on Election Days as polling officials, security officials, agents and voters. In all the polling stations visited, a remarkable attempt was made to satisfy gender balance in the composition of the NEC official teams. Party agents and independent observers a. The Mission noted that the 2015 General Elections in Sudan did not attract a lot of international observers. Specifically, AU observers noted the presence of only the following groups: COMESA, IGAD, the League of Arab States (LAS) and the Chinese observer delegation. b. The Mission further observed that the domestic observers were few and in some polling stations completely absent. c. Political party and candidate agents were also very few and in most polling stations visited mainly representatives of National Congress Party (NCP) were present. Security a. TheMissionnotestheprovisionofadequatesecurityonElectionDaysandthe generally calm and peaceful election environment with no major security incidents reported in the areas visited by the AUEOM. In all the polling stations visited, the AU observer teams observed the presence of security personnel in the polling precincts and the Mission is satisfied with their role in maintaining order within the polling centres. b. The Mission therefore commends the security personnel for the coordinated and structured manner in which election security was provided. Closing and counting The Mission noted that all the polling stations visited closed on time and this took place in the presence of observers as well as political party and candidate agents. 6 At the time of preparation of this report, counting process had not yet commenced. The AUEOM Final Report would cover the period up to counting and announcement of results. IV. CONCLUSION The 2015 elections present an opportunity for the country to prepare and carry the dialogue forward in an inclusive manner. The Mission calls upon the Sudanese leadership, the politicians and the Sudanese people in general to take bold steps towards a genuine, inclusive political and social dialogue about the country’s future and the construction of a united, harmonious and politically stable Sudan as a basis for all-inclusive development and growth. The AUEOM advises that this election should not be a barrier against moving forward the dialogue, which should be all inclusive for political stability, as well as popular participation for all the people of Sudan. The Mission notes that in the interest of democratic consolidation in Sudan, the respect for fundamental freedoms and human rights must be strengthened2. It acknowledges that parties and candidates have the right not to participate. It also recognises that Sudanese voters have the right and should have the opportunity to express their choice free of coercion and with widest range of electoral choices legally possible. The Mission is of the opinion that competing through ideas and providing the Sudanese voters with a real choice between different political options at the polls is a more constructive and desirable contribution to the consolidation of democracy and the building of a civic culture in the Republic of Sudan. The African Union Mission hereby clarifies that this is a preliminary statement based on observations and consultations undertaken until the end of polls. The Mission will release a more detailed final report with recommendations that will be shared with the Sudanese authorities and availed to the general public through the African Union Commission’s website within a month’s timeframe. Everything taken together, the AUEOM reached the conclusion that the results of the election would reflect the expression of the will of the voters. Recommendations: The AUEOM makes the following preliminary recommendations: National Electoral Commission: The Mission recommends that continuous training be given to polling officials and increased supervision on polling days, in order to ensure greater harmonisation in the implementation of instructions and procedures. 2 See AU Pre-election assessment mission report on Sudan – 2015. 7 The NEC should ensure adequate logistical arrangement to avoid unnecessary delay of polls. In future, decision to extend voting period should be made and disseminated in time to stakeholders and must be based on sufficient reasons; Government should: Take all necessary measures to encourage and facilitate national dialogue; Ease some policies that are deemed restrictive to the enjoyment of fundamental human rights and freedoms protected by the Constitution; Security concerns and on-going conflict in Darfur, South Kordofan and Blue Nile states needs to be given serious attention, and must be expeditiously addressed side by side with the political and social dialogues. This can be done, in such a way that the dialogues and the addressing of the conflicts compliments each other thereby leading to complete peace, security, harmony, and political stability as foundations for development and as solutions for all- inclusive development and progress. Political Parties should: Continually engage in the electoral process to ensure its transparency and credibility. Give national dialogue a chance for the good of the country’s peace and stability. International Community should: Remain engaged and support the national dialogue process aimed at seeking peaceful resolution of the deep-rooted problems of Sudan. 8
Olusegun Obasanjo
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- Sudan denounces beheading of 21 Egyptians by Islamic State in Libya 02-16-15, 04:01 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’s Women Union, Darfur Centre welcome HRW report 02-15-15, 03:52 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan meets an international team to discuss an exit strategy of UNAMID 02-15-15, 03:50 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Israel’s hard stance to get Sudanese asylum seekers to leave 02-14-15, 04:05 PM, Haaretz Daily Newspaper
- Sudan denies rumors that it closed its Embassy in Yemen 02-14-15, 04:02 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Political delegation in Tabit scares residents 02-14-15, 03:16 PM, Radio Dabanga
- IGAD's Inter-Parliamentary Union convenes its meeting in Khartoum 02-14-15, 03:12 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- 38,600 displaced in Darfur in a month: OCHA 02-13-15, 01:54 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan security detains man at North Darfur market 02-13-15, 01:48 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Statement of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda, on the Internation 02-12-15, 03:17 PM, ICC Public Affairs Unit
- Seven Investment Programme Areas Under the Sudanese National Agricultural Investment Plan (NAIP) Id 02-12-15, 03:15 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- 400 JEM faction combatants to merge with Sudan army 02-02-15, 04:36 PM, Radio Dabanga
- More bombs fall on Golo, Central Darfur 02-02-15, 03:43 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudanese court renews detention of opposition leader 02-02-15, 03:41 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudanese El Midan gagged for 10th time 02-02-15, 03:40 PM, Radio Dabanga
- USAID, BRAC Launch Project to Reach Out-of-School Children in South Sudan 01-30-15, 05:29 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Africa Union Peace and Security Council stands in the way of Justice in South Sudan 01-30-15, 05:27 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Former Sudan Lost Boy Becomes Chess Master in NYC 01-30-15, 04:46 PM, Voice of America
- Bulgaria discloses that Sudan’s rebel SPLM-N taken captive six of nationals 01-28-15, 04:14 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudanese official commends Kuwait's relentless support to Sudan 01-28-15, 04:12 PM, KUNA-Kuwait News Agency
- Britain contributes £7 million to the UN’s Common Humanitarian Fund appeal for Sudan 01-28-15, 04:08 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Tripoli attack: Authorities questioning collaborator- IS says gunmen were Tunisian, Sudaneses 01-28-15, 04:06 PM, MaltaToday
- China promises to cement the political trust with Sudan 01-28-15, 04:00 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Villagers fleeing attacks in North Darfur could die of thirst 01-28-15, 03:16 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Al-Bashir meets Chadian President today in Khartoum 01-28-15, 03:13 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan’s El Midan daily gagged by security again 01-28-15, 03:11 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan’s president provides guarantees to the rebels to participate in the internal dialogue 01-28-15, 03:07 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- China pledges stronger exchanges with Sudan 01-28-15, 03:06 PM, Xinhua News Agency
- 3,000 child soldiers will be released from an armed group in South Sudan 01-27-15, 05:30 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Boy dies as Sudanese MiG strafes Jebel Marra farms 01-27-15, 05:28 PM, Radio Dabanga
- We give priority to our relations with Sudan: Chinese ambassador says 01-27-15, 05:26 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Large fire displaces Central Darfuris 01-27-15, 05:24 PM, Radio Dabanga
- AU mediator made no progress in the dialogue: Sudan’s opposition 01-27-15, 05:21 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Police shoots two bus passengers in eastern Sudan 01-27-15, 04:09 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan’s rebels brings down UN helicopter in Southern Kordofan 01-27-15, 04:06 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan's Omar al-Bashir gets Chinese-built presidential palace 01-27-15, 04:05 PM, BBC News
- King Salman is keen to strengthen ties with Sudan: Saudi Ambassador says 01-27-15, 03:57 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Doctors call for improvement of health situation in Sudan's prisons 01-27-15, 03:55 PM, Radio Dabanga
- An ambush kills 13 people, including three journalists in South Sudan: the army discloses 01-26-15, 05:24 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Rebels claim 95 kills in fighting near Golo, Central Darfur 01-26-15, 05:22 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan announces a plan of action to promote trade and business relations with Ghana 01-26-15, 05:19 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan to transform Darfur’s Jebel Marra into terrorist base: rebel leader 01-26-15, 05:17 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Sudan hosts the joint ministerial committees with Arab Gulf countries 01-24-15, 05:51 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Warring factions of South Sudan sign an agreement to reunify SPLM 01-23-15, 02:58 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Machar is expected to meet Kiir to ink the latest in a string of agreements 01-21-15, 05:27 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- South Sudan conflict could cost $158 billion over next 20 years –study 01-14-15, 04:27 PM, تقارير سودانيزاونلاين
- Re: Sudanese-Chinese talks convened today in Khartoum 01-30-15, 02:56 AM, بكرى ابوبكر
- China Mediates Peace Talks on South Sudan 01-13-15, 03:48 PM, Voice of America
- IGAD’s Summit on South Sudan in Addis Ababa this month 01-10-15, 03:22 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- New Fighting Rocks South Sudan Oil States 01-06-15, 04:29 PM, Voice of America
- South Sudan Rebels Accuse Army of Killing Civilians 12-30-14, 02:58 PM, Voice of America
- Museveni says that his troops will not withdraw from South Sudan unless Juba is secure 12-27-14, 03:06 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan and Kenya confirm that ICC targets Africa leaders 12-26-14, 04:32 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Musa Hilal’s Council forms Jebel Amer Administration, calls for intifada in Sudan 12-16-14, 02:37 PM, Radio Dabanga
- South Sudan Conflict Enters Second Year 12-16-14, 02:35 PM, Voice of America
- Sudan demands South Sudan to immediately stop harboring rebel movements 12-15-14, 02:22 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Security Council Press Statement on Sudan, South Sudan 12-12-14, 02:34 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Sudan’s Foreign Ministry summons Ugandan charge d'affaires to reject Museveni remarks 11-28-14, 03:15 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- An important Statement No (17 ) by Commander / Ismail Khamis Galab The former Governor of Sou 11-27-14, 04:01 PM, اللواء اسماعيل خميس جلاب
- Information Minister: Khartoum is keen to maintain security in South Sudan 11-13-14, 04:56 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- and#8203; The SPLM-N Statement at the Opening Session of the Addis Ababa Negotiation on November 12, 2014 11-12-14, 03:48 PM, الحركه الشعبيه لتحرير السودان شمال
- IGAD: South Sudan warring parties reach unconditional cease fire 11-08-14, 06:55 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- South Sudan: Neighbors Should Press UN for Arms Embargo 11-05-14, 05:37 PM, Amnesty International
- IGAD team holds consultations with Al-Bashir on South Sudan conflict 10-22-14, 04:54 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- SUDAN UNIT of OXFORD Conference on th November Programme 10-20-14, 03:41 PM, اعلانات سودانيزاونلاين
- BNFA community Nuer Executive office Sudan Khartoum Statement 10-19-14, 07:55 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Subsahara Centre, Ottawa, Canada:The Conflict in Upper Nile State Describes events through 12 Oc 14 10-19-14, 07:11 PM, تقارير سودانيزاونلاين
- Unamid stations 500 at South Darfur’s Kalma camp 10-08-14, 07:44 PM, Radio Dabanga
- US urges parties to conflict in S. Sudan to stop fighting 10-08-14, 06:46 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- IGAD to hold extraordinary summit on South Sudan 10-08-14, 06:20 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Developments in South Sudan Conflict: Small Arms and Light Weapons in South Sudan and Sudan: Is tha 10-03-14, 03:09 AM, تقارير سودانيزاونلاين
- South Sudanese foes agree on national unity government 10-01-14, 04:11 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Kiir: Unwavering Effort to End South Sudan War 09-29-14, 02:33 PM, Voice of America
- Scores Killed in South Sudan Fighting as Peace Talks Resume 09-23-14, 04:22 PM, Voice of America
- Explanatory note about the precentage of the power-sharing in South Sudan 09-04-14, 06:37 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- South Sudan: More than 30 organizations call for immediate arms embargo 09-03-14, 03:50 PM, Amnesty International
- South Sudan rivals sign new ceasefire deal 08-26-14, 11:18 PM, Aljazeera news
- UN Helicopter Shot Down in South Sudan 08-26-14, 11:14 PM, Associated Press
- British Embassy in Juba:UK strongly condemns unwarranted detention of monitoring team 08-26-14, 03:08 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Peter Gatdet Shot Down UNMISS Helicopter in Unity State 08-26-14, 03:02 PM, Gordon Buay
- Mabior Garang de Mabior Arrested For Attempting to Assassinate President Kiir 08-25-14, 09:03 PM, Gordon Buay
- Renegade Peter Gatdet impounded UN Helicopter carrying IGAD Monitors 08-25-14, 01:38 AM, Gordon Buay
- South Sudan rebels accept presence of Ugandan troops to keep peace 08-22-14, 03:18 PM, Reuters
- John Raymond Jones : QandA on arms embargo on South Sudan 08-21-14, 02:48 PM, Amnesty International
- South Sudan Ex-VP Rejects President Kiir’s Offer to End Conflict 08-21-14, 02:42 PM, Voice of America
- South Sudan claims killing of over 245 rebels in fresh fighting 08-16-14, 08:21 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- press release on upcoming IGAD Summit on South Sudan 08-15-14, 03:37 AM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Gal Lel Ngundeng Met President Salva Kiir in Washington DC, US 08-11-14, 03:27 AM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Joint Statement in response to the shooting of Deng Athuai Mawiir 08-08-14, 02:50 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Sudan Liberation Movement /Army – SLM/A MM Operational Mechanism to End Recruitment and Use of Ch 08-07-14, 04:59 PM, حركة تحرير السودان قيادة مناوي
- Foreign Ministry: Visit of Machr to Khartoum postponed for logistics reasons 08-05-14, 10:13 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Minister for Africa calls for leadership in South Sudan talks 07-31-14, 10:00 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- South Sudan Musician (Dina Maruach) went to Africa for Visiting Dr. Riek Machar on June 30 – July 0 07-24-14, 11:16 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Renegade Gen. Garhoth Gatkuoth narrowly escaped being captured 07-17-14, 11:03 AM, Gordon Buay
- Head of security Panel: SPLM memo on cessation of war is political maneuver 07-14-14, 00:03 AM, SudaneseOnline News
- Press Statement by the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General to South Sudan, Hilde F. 07-08-14, 02:34 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- The National Committee for the advocacy of Ibrahim al Shaikh 06-30-14, 03:46 PM, سيف اليزل سعد عمر
- Juba denies suspension of exporting oil via Sudanese territories 06-11-14, 08:16 AM, SudaneseOnline News
- The Family of Nuer Prophet Ngundeng Congratulates Pagan Amum and his colleagues For Rejecting Riek 05-30-14, 06:16 AM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Large quantities of drugs seized in North Darfur 05-26-14, 10:16 AM, SudaneseOnline News
- Rapid Support Forces Commander: Our Forces did not attack citizens in Khartoum 05-21-14, 07:54 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- South Sudan foes to discuss foreign troops’ withdrawal in June 05-20-14, 08:30 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Security denies failed coup attempt in Sudan 05-20-14, 07:56 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- South Sudan Army, Rebels Swap Accusations over New Truce Violations 05-15-14, 05:27 PM, Voice of America
- The U.S. Government Should Deploy Special Forces to Arrest Peter Gatdet 05-11-14, 11:44 PM, Gordon Buay
- New Amnesty International report - Nowhere Safe: Civilians Under Attack in South Sudan 05-11-14, 07:24 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Fierce fight in S. Sudan oil town; rebels counter 05-06-14, 07:10 PM, The Washington Post
- AU Commission Hopeful on Resolving South Sudan’s Crisis 05-01-14, 06:02 PM, Voice of America
- Full Account of the debate at Commons on South Sudan 04-30-14, 09:43 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Insurgent militia enters West Darfur’s capital 04-30-14, 03:03 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Group Petitions AU to Mediate South Sudan Negotiations 04-29-14, 02:06 PM, Voice of America
- Rebel SRF road map towards National Dialogue Sudan 04-26-14, 06:00 PM, Radio Dabanga
- Darfur committee to register Bentiu victims, South Sudan 04-26-14, 04:00 PM, Radio Dabanga
- UN Security Council Press Statement on South Sudan - New York, 24 April 2014 04-24-14, 04:45 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Fire lays waste to stalls, shops in Kass, South Darfur 04-21-14, 03:10 PM, Radio Dabanga
- US Threat of South Sudan Sanctions Not a Hollow Warning, Envoy Says 04-15-14, 04:20 PM, Voice of America
- Riek Machar’s rebels attacked an outpost on Sunday in violation of Cessation of Hostilities 04-14-14, 03:06 PM, Gordon Buay
- US Sanctions Don't Worry South Sudan Government, Rebels 04-11-14, 04:57 PM, Voice of America
- Egyptian 'suspicions' behind Ethiopia dam crisis: Sudan FM 04-10-14, 08:26 PM, TurkishPress
- Yasir Arman:Political and legal basis needed for Sudan dialogue 04-08-14, 06:20 PM, Radio Dabanga
- S. Sudan political parties accuse Ethiopia of imposing agendas in talks 04-06-14, 03:50 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Al-Bashir and Kiir agree on mechanisms to push ahead implementations of signed agreements 04-06-14, 02:45 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Obama Signs Executive Order as South Sudan Accuses US of Meddling 04-04-14, 02:33 PM, Voice of America
- South Sudan Peace Talks Suspended Again 04-01-14, 05:34 PM, Voice of America
- Western Nations Condemn Rights Abuses, Threats to UN in South Sudan 04-01-14, 05:32 PM, Voice of America
- S. Sudan Defense Minister reiterates control over Malakal 03-30-14, 06:01 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- No Evidence Ties 4 South Sudan Politicians to 'Coup' Bid, Court Told 03-27-14, 03:30 PM, Voice of America
- Differences between foes in S. Sudan over foreign troops and African peacekeepers 03-26-14, 02:50 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- South Sudan Receives ‘Backing’ From International Partners 03-26-14, 02:42 PM, Voice of America
- Sudan Human Rights and Humanitarian Bulletin for February 2014 03-26-14, 02:39 PM, Darfur Relief and Documentation Centre
- UN: Thousands killed and abused in S Sudan 03-19-14, 04:47 PM, Aljazeera news
- E. African Leaders to Decide Details on S. Sudan Stabilization Force 03-13-14, 01:51 AM, Voice of America
- The PSC of the AU, at its 423rd meeting held on 10 March 2014, adopted a decision on the situation 03-12-14, 02:53 PM, مبارك عبدالرحمن أردول
- Ethiopia: South Sudan Should Not be Another Failed State 03-11-14, 08:34 PM, Voice of America
- What is the problem of Sudan-BRIEFING FROM THE SPLM/N :ON THE PEACE TALKS 03-11-14, 01:53 AM, SudaneseOnline News
- South Sudan shows readiness to hold constitutional conference if rebels hold fire 03-06-14, 02:29 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Fighting breaks out in South Sudan army barracks 03-05-14, 09:12 PM, THE TIMES OF INDIA
- East African states mull stabilization force for South Sudan 03-04-14, 07:34 PM, Reuters
- Nuer Community in Egypt Condemns the Killing of Nuer in South Sudan; Says it Was a Calculated Move 02-20-14, 02:10 AM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- The SPLM-N Statement at the Opening Session of the Addis Ababa Negotiations on 02-13-14, 07:26 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- South Sudan diplomat calls for extending truce with rebels 02-05-14, 04:29 AM, SudaneseOnline News
- The Arabic Parliament is Discussing the Recent Developments in South Sudan 02-01-14, 07:08 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- South Sudan army denies rebels claims of new attacks 01-26-14, 04:00 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Press Release issued at the conclusion of the Third Session of the CS 01-24-14, 06:49 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- IGAD to hold extraordinary summit on South Sudan 01-23-14, 06:49 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan Sees Key Role in Breaking South Sudan Conflict Stalemate 01-21-14, 06:19 PM, Voice of America
- Report documents ethnic killings as Uganda joins South Sudan fight 01-20-14, 04:46 AM, SudaneseOnline News
- Bodies litter South Sudan oil town; peace talks resume 01-14-14, 04:10 AM, SudaneseOnline News
- African mediation team meets Machar in Jonglei in South Sudan 01-13-14, 02:27 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Statement by National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice on South Sudan 01-10-14, 02:35 AM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- Statement from the Communist Party of the State of South Sudan For sto 01-09-14, 02:48 PM, sudaneseonline
- US calls on parties to conflict in south Sudan to make quick progress 01-07-14, 03:47 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- US urges parties to conflict in S. Sudan to stop fighting 01-02-14, 04:37 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- South Sudanese rebels arrive in Addis Ababa for ceasefire talks 01-01-14, 04:34 PM, Reuters
- SPLA FORCES ARE ADVANCING TO RETAKE BENTIU TOWN 01-01-14, 04:18 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- South Sudan's Warring Factions Agree On Ceasefire, Regional Block Says 12-31-13, 04:06 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Uganda Warns South Sudan Rebel Leader 12-31-13, 03:58 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Uganda Deploys Troops to South Sudan Amid Unrest 12-30-13, 08:41 PM, Associated Press
- Sudan Liberation Movement/Army MM Command Order (2/2013) 12-17-13, 06:27 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Press Statement on the Technical Workshop by JEM and SLA/MM 12-12-13, 06:02 AM, sudaneseonline
- The Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Agency (SRRA) Press Statement 11-21-13, 02:03 PM, SudaneseOnline Press Release
- The SPLM-N is Ready to Sit with the Sudan Government for the Polio Ca 10-29-13, 06:39 AM, sudaneseonline
- Sudan stresses the strength of its relationship Somalia 09-19-13, 04:26 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan Revolutionary Front's leader defects from Sudan People's Liberat 09-10-13, 03:40 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Movement-North discusses with Swiss Governme 09-03-13, 03:10 PM, SudaneseOnline News
- The SPLM-N Delegation Met with the Swiss Government, Discussed a Child 09-02-13, 06:53 PM, Yasir Arman