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News and Press ReleasesConvoy loaded with arms and fighters moves from Darfur towards Libya: the Libyan army
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Convoy loaded with arms and fighters moves from Darfur towards Libya: the Libyan army

03-07-2015, 06:06 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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Convoy loaded with arms and fighters moves from Darfur towards Libya: the Libyan army

    05:06 PM Mar, 07 2015
    Sudanese Online
    SudaneseOnline News-Khartoum Sudan
    My Library at SudaneseOnline

    The legal Counsel of the Libyan army, Salah al-Din Abdul Karim, revealed that convoy loaded with arms and fighters started to move on Friday from Sudan's western Darfur towards Libya.
    In remarks to London-based Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper on Saturday Abdel Karim said that the Libyan extremists are getting closer to the Egyptian border, coming from Darfur, western Sudan with shipments of new weapons and fighters, and on the way to control the Kufra area north eastern Libya.
    He added that the information says that the extremists have crossed from Darfur into Libya, along with 70 truckloads of weapons in addition to about 60 SUV carrying fighters belonging to the city of Misrata forces which considered terrorist groups moving in the Sahara desert south of Libya to extend help to the operations carried out the by extremists in the rest of Libya. '
    He pointed out that their destination perhaps to Kufra to control it because it contain wells for oil and stocks of water, and If they took this area will be a threat to Egyptian security.
    Sudan had earlier confirmed it had sent a plane to the Libyan airport of Kufra, according to media reports. Sudanese officials, however, denied that the plane was transporting weapons, claiming instead that it was carrying equipment for a joint Libyan-Sudanese border force.
    The Libyan government has, in recent months, lost vast territories to competing rebel forces operating within the country. The North African country is currently divided between a government that has relocated to the eastern city of Tobruk since it lost control of Tripoli to Misrata-based rebels and a rival assembly and government set up by the Misrata forces.

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