02-18-2015, 03:24 PM |
حركة التغيير الان
حركة التغيير الان
Registered: 03-08-2014
Total Posts: 24
Sudan Change Now Movement:Only Sudanese solutions can solve the Sudanese problems
03:24 PM Feb, 18 2015 Sudanese Online حركة التغيير الان- My Library at SudaneseOnline
18th of Feb. 2015
Only Sudanese solutions can solve the Sudanese problems Over the past few weeks the Sudanese political circle has been abuzz with talk of the invitation by the German government to a meeting in Berlin with leaks that it aims to impose a settlement leading to prolong the existence of the regime and provide a safe exit for its leaders without them facing consequences of their crimes. This would only work to disrupt and reduce the work initiated by the Sudanese resistance and opposition forces especially after the declaration of its political unity in Sudan Call agreement. The arrangements for this invitation were done with different actors whom received different conflicted messages about the agenda of the meeting and who is invited. We reject all attempts to sow discord between the Sudanese opposition and the efforts to break up the unity amongst these forces especially by some members of the international community who seek a quick fix deal and agreement to the Sudanese crisis without actually solving the problems we still face and offering proper solutions. We reject the negative role played by the European Union ambassador to Khartoum, Mr. Thomas Ulicny and others, in attempting to impose their own agenda on the Sudanese opposition and trying to direct them down a path deemed the only way in which Sudan's problems can be solved. We at Sudan Change Now find this policy and method completely unacceptable and doesn't reflect the spirit and objective, nor the democratic, freedom and good governance values with which the EU in Sudan has always called for. We still believe grass-roots resistance is the only way through which the ruling regime can be ousted and we reiterate our rejection of all 'political quota system solutions' and 'settlement transactions' that are isolated from the inherent demands of the Sudanese people. Putting an end to the bloodshed caused by decades of wars and conflict waged by the government, the completion of real democratic transformation, to achieve justice and accountability for the crimes committed against the people of Sudan, to shape the future of this country and the struggle to achieve and consolidate the principles of social justice, democracy, citizenship and principles good governance in Sudan are essential duties of all members and parties of Sudanese forces of change. Furthermore, we assert our continuing work on emphasising the inclusion of mass action in order to accomplish these duties and the need to escalate them in order to bring down the regime. We continue to support the agreements reached by the opposition to work on the erhal (Get Out) campaign but we also emphasise the need for unity of all parties to work in unison and by placing these demands at the top of the political agenda. We cannot repeat enough times but the solution to the Sudanese crisis must be one by Sudanese, and must include and accommodate all social and political complexities of the country, help in contributing and strengthening the ownership of the Sudanese people to this political process and ensure full transparency of the political process paths, and the international community and its partners must work to support such an initiative. Change now...a right for the Sudanese people, a duty on them and inevitable necessity. Sudan Change Now Movement
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