01-23-2015, 05:06 AM |
SudaneseOnline News
SudaneseOnline News
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 2162
Letter to Mr. John Kerry from Forces of National Consensus Alliance(FNCA) in the Sudan
January, 15, 2015 Mr. John Kerry Secretary of State Washington, D. C. Secretary Kerry — On behalf of the Forces of National Consensus Alliance(FNCA) in the Sudan, we wish to bring to your immediate attention our great concern over the al-Bashir regime’s unrelenting assault on human rights. First and foremost among our concerns is the unlawful imprisonment of Farouq Abueissa, leader of the FNCA, in addition to Farah Agar, Mohammed Aldoud and human rights’ expert Dr. Amin M. Medani. The four men were taken into custody after meeting with representatives of the Armed Revolutionary Front. The meeting was facilitated by former South Africa ‘s president Thabu Mbekki, who is the Chairman of of the African Mediation Committee. President Thabu Mbekki has long pleaded with President al-Bashir to allow representatives of the Sudanese opposition to meet with the leaders of the Revolutionary Front. The purpose of the meeting was to seek an agreement towards ending the raging war in Darfur, Southern Kordofan of the Southern Blue Nile. A statement issued by the two parties expressed their willingness to seek a peaceful settlement to the Sudanese crisis by holding a sweeping constitutional conference to address it, among other issues. To give brief introduction about the four detained leaders; Farouk Abueissa, the Chairman of ANF, has dedicated his whole life in the forefront of the defenders of democratic freedoms, human rights and social justice. In recognition of his stellar record a protagonist of liberty, peace and human rights he was elected as secretary general of the Arab Bar for more than one term in office. Dr. Amin Mekki Medani in his own right has been a tireless defender of civil and political freedom in the Sudan and the Middle East. He was appointed as human rights observer in the Palestinian West Bank. Among the detainees are two devoted patriots. Mohammed Farah Aagar and Mohammed Aldoudu joined the negotiations between the Revolutionary Front and the ANF, opposition parties and other organizations and national personalities. Our FNCA leaders Mr. Abueissa and Dr. Medani suffer from multiple health issues and are in constant need of medical attention. In the absence of a fair trial in a court of law, we demand they be released immediately. Thank you for your continued attention to developments in the abysmal state of human rights in the Sudan. Respectfully,