Sudan Call A Political Declaration on the Establishment of a State of Citizenship and Democracy
3 December 2014 Cognizant that Sudan is sliding towards an abyss as a result of the policies of the regime, which came to power in the June 1989 coup, and divided the country and waged wars; imposed a single identity; spread hatred, animosity, and contempt for the other; subjected certain ethnic groups to genocide; drove millions into refugee and internal displacement camps; caused the secession of South Sudan; destroyed the economy by damaging productive projects and national wealth; propagated corruption; ruined the health and education sectors, the environment and national institutions; constricted citizens’ means of livelihood, driving them to emigration or unemployment; passed and enforced laws which demeaned and degraded the dignity and rights of Sudanese women and men; removed institutions providing democratic checks and balances and oversight; cracked down on the media and free expression in all its forms; placed our country under international scrutiny and opprobrium through 62 international resolutions with the country’s leadership charged before the International Criminal Court (ICC), in addition to a host of other policies that continue to push the country towards more division and total destruction. In support of our people’s political and civil powers and in response to the aspirations and struggles of Sudanese women and men, In continuation of our 25-year long effort to confront the destructive policies of the ruling party through various forms of struggle and to inspire and push forward a joint platform of transformation for Sudan, We, the following signatories, have come together and pledged to work to dismantle the one-party state regime and replace it with a state founded on equal citizenship, through daily popular struggle, including popular uprising to create a solid foundation to secure the rights of Sudanese people to be liberated from totalitarianism, violence and enforced poverty, and to enjoy well-rooted democracy, just peace, and balanced development. In furtherance of this goal, the signatories have pledged to: First: Wars, Conflicts and Humanitarian Issues (1) End wars and conflicts as a priority and to build a holistic just peace. (2) Create a comprehensive solution, beginning with cessation of hostilities in Darfur, Blue Nile and South Kordofan/Nuba Mountains; dissolution of the government militias; protecting civilians from aerial bombardment, killing, displacement and rape, followed by agreement on the final security arrangements. (3) Make a response to the humanitarian crises across Sudan a priority, establishing new humanitarian agendas, in particular to address the current human suffering in areas of conflict and displacement and refugee camps, and preventing recurrence of such crises in the future. (4) Ensure that the specific problems faced by conflict-affected areas are addressed in the comprehensive solution arrangements, including issues related to equal citizenship, decentralized governance, borders, land, distribution of resources and power, languages, 1 identity, displacement, refugees, accountability and justice, transitional justice, social cohesion, and individual and collective compensation. (5) Engage with the international and regional bodies concerned with Sudan’s multiple conflicts and humanitarian situations, and work to implement relevant international resolutions, particularly the African Union Peace and Security Council’s (AUPSC) Communiqué 456 of 12 September 2014 in line with our position on the national dialogue. Second: Current Political Context and Livelihood Situation (1) The Economic Crisis: Prioritization of structural changes in all sectors of the economy, preceded by an urgent plan to stop economic collapse indicated by widespread corruption, external loans and debts, destruction of productive sectors such as agriculture, industry, trade, pastoralism, natural resources, the Gezira Project, livestock resources, the railroad system, Sudan Airways, the sea ports and others, the impact of which has been felt in the continuous deterioration of the livelihoods of Sudanese citizens. (2) Rule of Law and Independence of the Judiciary: Revocation of all laws and legislation that restrict freedoms and are in violation of human rights; alignment of the Sudanese legal framework with international human rights and humanitarian law and effort to ensure accountability for grave crimes such as those related to corruption and human rights violations, through transitional justice mechanisms, an independent judiciary and the restructuring of the justice and security institutions to ensure the rule of law and the promotion of justice. All laws and practices that restrict the rights of Sudanese women and are degrading to their dignity must be revoked as matter of priority. (3) Election: Cognizant that the current electoral process is a façade intended to falsify the national will and legitimize the regime, we decide to boycott the announced elections and work to transform the process into popular resistance campaigns and reject its outcome. Third: Issues of the Dialogue and the Comprehensive Political Solution Believing that a deeply-rooted, sustainable solution to Sudan’s multiple crises will not be attained without a unified political forum in which all stakeholders participate to materialize a comprehensive political solution; the signatories to this political declaration have identified the following pre-requisites for the dialogue and a comprehensive political solution: a) End to the war, cessation of hostilities and settlement for the human tragedies; b) Release of all political detainees, prisoners of war and those sentenced following political trials; c) Revocation of laws restricting freedoms and human rights; d) Formation of a transitional government to implement the tasks of the interim period; e) Establishment of an agreed administration to manage a dialogue process that leads to a comprehensive peace and democratic transformation. . Within this framework we welcome and support the AUPSC’s Communiqué 456 of 12 September 2014, which is aligned with our vision and pre-requisites to create a conducive environment for the dialogue and the comprehensive solution. The signatories to this Political Declaration confirm that the governing documents agreed by the forces of Sudan Call are the principal frame of reference for their joint work. The Sudan Call documents are consistent with the continuous efforts of the signatory forces to achieve the dismantling of the regime through a comprehensive political solution or its overthrow through popular struggle, alike. 2  Fourth: Transition to Democracy and Mechanisms of Work National Transitional Government: Formation of a national transitional government mandated with tasks during the interim period, including implementation of agreed work programs such as holding of an inclusive constitutional conference at the end of the interim transitional period and drafting of a permanent constitution through a broad, participatory and holistic process. Mechanism and Methods of Work: Formation of a High Coordination Council to guide and organize the joint political tasks, including formation of committees to develop the detailed programs, to identify mechanisms of joint work, and to formulate policies and regulations in order to build the broadest front for the Sudan Call Political Declaration. All mechanisms and committees will aim at achieving popular uprising or a comprehensive political solution that will lead to dismantling of the one-party state regime. The undersigned forces to this Political Declaration, Sudan Call, will ensure a significant role and participation of youth in shaping the future of Sudan. The signatories also commit to supporting the engagement of women and youth in the Sudan Call process and promoting their participation at all decision-making levels to realize the objectives of this Political Declaration. The signatory forces to this Political Declaration undertake to transform Sudan Call into a grassroots resistance movement that unifies all Sudanese. The forces of Sudan Call believe that the long, dark period of rule of the totalitarian regime has led to sentiments of blocked prospects and despair concerning the possibility of real change in the lives and aspirations of the Sudanese people. The signatories of the Sudan Call Political Declaration pledge that the dawn of emancipation is near and that the unity of the Sudanese people will open the road to reclaim Sudan. Signed Alsadig Almahadi Chairperson, National Umma Party Minni Arko Minawi Vice President, Sudan Revolutionary Front Farouk Abuessa Chairperson, National Consensus Forces Amin Mekki Medani Civil Society Initiative