06-23-2014, 07:41 PM |
SudaneseOnline News
SudaneseOnline News
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 2162
Appeal court cancels death penalty against Mariam
Khartoum-A Sudanese appeal court ordered Monday the release of Mariam Yahiya, 27 which was sentenced to death for apostasy last mid May, according to the defense lawyers.
U Al-Haj Yousif Criminal Court sentenced Mariam Yahiya ( Abrar Al-Hadi) to death for conversion from Islam to Christianity, and to one hundred lashes for adultery as well after marrying her catholic husband Daniel Wani. The verdict has sparked massive international reaction and angered the world public opinion that appeared in form of diplomatic pressures and summoning of Sudanese ambassadors.
The lawyer of Mariam Muhanad Mustafa said” Now Mariam is free. The court of appeal has ordered her release”, adding that” we went from prison to unknown place to ensure her safety after threats to kill her” Police source has meanwhile affirmed her release from prison.
Members of her family, who made the legal case against her, have threatened in a press conference to get revenge if the appeal court did not support the death penalty against Mariam.
Until now, there is no popular and official reaction. Sudan News Agency said in a text message” the court of appeal orders the release of Abrar Al-Hadi and cancels the court decision”.