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News and Press ReleasesThe case of the Sudanese citizen Mariam Yahya Ibrahim
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The case of the Sudanese citizen Mariam Yahya Ibrahim

05-13-2014, 08:59 PM
حركة التغيير الان
<aحركة التغيير الان
Registered: 03-08-2014
Total Posts: 24

The case of the Sudanese citizen Mariam Yahya Ibrahim

    Khartoum-Few days ago, Alhag Yousif Criminal Court presided over by Judge Abbas Alkhalifa, issued its verdict in the case against the Sudanese citizen Mariam Yahya Ibrahim, aged 27 years. Founding her guilty with offenses of adultery and apostasy and sentencing her to repentance or death sentence.

    The details of this case expose the regime's blatant interference in the personal life of Sudanese citizens that deliberately intend the conviction to agitate the religious sentiments of the people. Mariam Yahya originated and grew up on Christian religion as Christian and was not connected to her father to inherit his Muslim religion. Then after she lived respectfully and got married according to the traditions and prevailing social norms. Criminalizing her with adultery and labeling her in this way reflects the ruling regimes crimes of social discrimination against women, social groups, and religious sects to which Mariam belongs.

    In addition to the obvious fraud in the circumstances of the case, the issue of religion is something that is totally personal. The political and judiciary system have nor legal right to intervene on it as long as it did not intrude the individual freedoms and rights of others. The crimes committed on daily basis in Darfur, Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile, and in all parts of the country's should be the first interest of the judicial and humanitarian conscience instead of judging the personal lives and behavior of the Sudanese citizens and suppressing individual rights which are the main concerns of the ruling regime institutes. This sentence expose the corruption and politicization of the justice system to serve the interests of the regime in the total absence of the rule of law.

    We demand an immediate release of Mariam Yahya Ibrahim and a forma apology to her and her family about this shameful interference in the affairs of their personal lives. We call on all activists and honorable Sudanese to rally to raise the banner of these demands at the court hearing that is to be held on Alhag Yousif Courts Complex on Thursday, May 15th, 2014 at 11:00 A.M.

    Sudan Change Now Movement

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