03-02-2014, 03:52 PM |
SudaneseOnline News
SudaneseOnline News
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 2162
Ja'far Al-Merghani: Kassala is strategic for Sudan security
 Ja'far Al-Merghani: Kassala is strategic for Sudan security Kassala-The Assistant to the President and member of the leadership authority at the Democratic Unionist Party, Ja'far Al-Sadeq Mohamed Osman Al-Merghani, has recently concluded a three-day visit to Al-Gazira, Gedarif and Kassala states. In Al-Gazira, he was warmly welcomed by the leaders of the Khatmia and sufi sects leaders, chiefs of the Democratic Unionist Party and its supporters. During his visit to Gedarif, he was received by so many citizens. He listened to their demands and discussed with them the public affairs and the initiatives of accord and production. Upon his arrival in Kassala, he was received by the governor of the state and the ministers of his government and chiefs pf Khatmia and sufi sects and supporters of the Democratic Unionist Party. He affirmed his concern and commitment to the issues of the state, saying that Kassala is the strategic depth of our security and our gate to the horn of Africa.