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News and Press ReleasesGhazi Suleiman- a perfume and an embrace for all at last By: Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
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Ghazi Suleiman- a perfume and an embrace for all at last By: Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer

02-22-2014, 10:50 PM
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
<aAbdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 85

Ghazi Suleiman- a perfume and an embrace for all at last By: Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer

    Ghazi Suleiman- a perfume and an embrace for all at last

    By: Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
    In March, the Babylonians return borrowed objects and repay their debts to purify themselves in the first of April. The Romans transformed the custom to January which is derived from “Janus’’ two-faced God. One face is looking forward to the New Year and the other backward to the old year. On the back face of “Janus” trickled mysterious tears. Some people thought it listened to the “Leningrad Symphony NO:7 and others believed it was angry . They brought their floral and prayer offerings to please “Janus” On 7th, February, 2014, people discovered that Janus mourned a Sudanese man called Ghazi Suleiman.
    Ghazi Suleiman came from Jebel UM Ali, a poor suburb in the White Nile State in North of Sudan.
    He worked during his a legal advisor for diverse firms, Member of Parliament and a candidate of political opposition within the Sudanese Lawyers Union. At intervals, he released numerous press statements which were seen as controversial, paradoxical, ironic and even defaming.
    Ghazi Suleiman, the doyen of Sudanese Lawyers has a famous law office in the central bubble of Khartoum. From this legal office, he sent a memo demanding an explanation over some matter from the Auditor-General. On the Sudanese Blue Nile channel T.V in a programme named ‘’ the seat of confession” Ghaziz recalled with a surprise the obstructive Auditor who replied the answer was the prerogative of constitutionalists. During the programme, Ghazi dreamed about being a president of republic to abolish impunities and remove all beaucratic constraints for justice to be done. Tahir Sati, presented the episode that hosted Ghazi and struck him as perceptibly controversial in his dress. Ghazi peeked back on himself, took a deep breath and smiled the smile of a friend.
    Ghazi said “If you slipped and fell into a cess pool, you would receive my washing, perfume and kiss touching his cheeks as he said so. He wondered what more than that could possibly be offered. His simple and impromptu Arabic intrigued my mother who followed the interview as she drank coffee.
    Tahir Sati, the programme presenter introduced by phone, Muhammad Muhmmad Khair a one time Sudanese expatriate writer from Canada. Ya Salam! That is a refined and cultured person. Ghazi interjected. Both of them sparkled with fun and humor as they shared with viewers their ordeals as co-detainees. One thing spoiled the beauty of evening as Ghazi announced that not much remained for him to live. A few months latter, as he speculated, he virtually parted us forever. Those who knew him closely described him as candid , brave ,mentor of all lawyers, a jealous patriot, generous and pious.
    My condolences to Ghazi’s family, friends, relatives and all Sudanese.

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