12-12-2013, 06:30 PM |
Al-Gezira state pharmacists to launch strike next week
Madani-The private sector pharmacists in Al-Gezira state in Sudan have decided to go on a total strike as of the coming week protesting the non-response to the requests before the concerned bodies in the state with regard to raising their hourly wages, giving the pharmacist 50% of the profits of the Pharmaceutics products which are produced at the pharmacy lab and enrolling them into the social insurance and labor act. In a statement to the Citizen on Wednesday, pharmacist Sideq Al-Amin said that they have formed a seven member committee to sit with the concerned authorities to solve their issues, saying that we have submitted a memo on the issue to the pharmacists union, the businessmen association in the state and the Department of Pharmacy and Poisons, saying that these bodies have shown reluctance in implementing their demands. He stated that they made a wide campaign to collect signatures to make the strike.
