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News and Press ReleasesThe Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) Welcomes the Polio Campaign in the
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The Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) Welcomes the Polio Campaign in the

10-31-2013, 06:56 PM
SudaneseOnline News

The Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) Welcomes the Polio Campaign in the

    The Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) Welcomes the Polio Campaign in the Two Areas and Asks the United Nations to Extend it to Other SRF Areas in Darfur and in North Kordofan

    The top leadership of the SRF held a consultative meeting on the polio campaign due to start in Sudan, and they were briefed by the SPLM-N leadership on the arrangement of the polio campaign due to start in the two areas of South Kordofan/Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile. The SRF leadership appreciated and welcomed the campaign for the interest of the children in the liberated areas, and the SRF military command will observe the cessation of hostilities during the duration of the polio campaign in the Two Areas as soon as it is declared by the AUHIP.

    But the meeting raised the concern that came to the attention of the top leadership of the SRF from the other liberated areas under the administration of the SRF, especially in North Kordofan and Darfur. The civilian populations in these areas are wondering why the children of these areas were forgotten by the United Nations and the international community and why they are not to be vaccinated since the campaign is a national campaign in Sudan and the region! The SRF leadership expresses its readiness to sit with the international community to discuss the best and speedy ways to vaccinate the children in many different areas, in North and South Darfur-Mara Mountain and North Kordofan.

    The humanitarian crisis in Sudan is deepening every day and civilian lives are in danger and need protection in many parts of Sudan, including the capital, Khartoum, such as what happened with the peaceful demonstrators, and the militia that are turning Darfur into a lawless region as confirmed in the recent UNSC report, and the aerial bombardment that is continuing every day from Blue Nile to Nuba Mountains to North Kordofan and Darfur, and where genocide is the currency of the day in many parts of Sudan. The international community needs a new approach to resolve the humanitarian situation in Sudan, which is the result of the deliberate policies of the genocidal regime in Khartoum.

    The SRF Consultative Meeting
    October 31, 2013

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