09-18-2013, 04:43 PM |
SudaneseOnline News
U.S. is not qualified morally, politically or legally to give any less
U.S. is not qualified morally, politically or legally to give any lessons on international law or human rights: Sudan says Khartoum-Sudan has strongly criticized the statements made by the spokeswoman for the US State Department, Marie Harf, about participation of Sudan's delegation in the African leadership forum in New York on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. "We condemn any potential effort by President Bashir to travel to New York." "Before presenting himself to UN headquarters," Ms Harf said, "President Bashir should present himself to the ICC in The Hague to answer for the crimes of which he's been accused." In statement is issued on Tuesday, Sudan's Foreign Ministry expressed its full Sudan's right of to participate in the meetings of the United Nations General Assembly session 68, asking the United States to fulfill its duty as a headquarters to issue the necessary visas as soon as possible. the statement stressed that the U.S. government is not qualified morally, politically or legally to give any lessons or recommendations in respecting the international law or human rights in the light of its bad record of war crimes and genocide against entire peoples and its recent was against Iraq in 2003 and killed more than a million Iraqis. The statement noted that the United States is not a member of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and openly opposes it, pointing out that U.S has signed bilateral agreements with ICC Member States to exclude its citizens to appear before the Court.
