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News and Press Releases "Eissa Almseehi": Janjaweed Disobedient Leader Terrifies the Citizens of Alfashir and Defies the A
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"Eissa Almseehi": Janjaweed Disobedient Leader Terrifies the Citizens of Alfashir and Defies the A

02-05-2014, 05:36 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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"Eissa Almseehi": Janjaweed Disobedient Leader Terrifies the Citizens of Alfashir and Defies the A

    "Eissa Almseehi": Janjaweed Disobedient Leader Terrifies the Citizens of Alfashir and Defies the Authorities of Governor Kubur in the City
    (Alfashir – S.L.M)
    S.L.M reporter in Alfashir city said that the security threats led by the most famous militia commander who is known as (Eissa Almaseehi) is in continuous increase, and that the security authorities have been disregarding - for a long time – the attacks of this militia against the citizens such as snatching and hijacking cars and motorcycles from citizens in the day light. And in the recent confrontation with this militia, some eyewitnesses from Alfashir city said that a police force (was forced to) eventually chase members of this militia till the area of "Alborsa" market east of Alfashir for stealing a citizen's motorcycle, where they became subject to heavy shooting from the militia that is stationed in "Alborsa" market and that was on Thursday 30 January 2014. The clashes were a serious battle with all weapons which caused panic to the citizen in Alfashir eastern neighborhoods; the police force so far has two dead and about 8 injured, some of them suffering from severe wounds and none of the militia's members was injured, and the militia is still in its camp and still keeping the stolen goods and the government of the governor Kubur is incapable of doing anything.
    And it is known that the militia of "Eissa Almaseehi" is occupying "Borsat-Alfashir" Market east of the city since quite a while, and is promoting drugs and alcohol publicly and running prostitution dens in areas controlled by it. Furthermore, one of the teachers at Darfur high school said to S.L.M that a few days ago one of the students went out of the school on his motorcycle during the breakfast break and came back without the motorcycle and told the school that gang of "Eissa Almaseehi" had taken the motorcycle from him, the student was directed to go to the nearest police station to report the case but the police as usual did not respond, which forced the student's family to negotiate directly with the gang head who said to them that despite his "own law" does not allow him to return any stolen good even if it belongs governor Kubur, but because this is a "special case" he will reduce the ransom to 4 thousand pounds to return the motorcycle, the special case that the "Eissa Almaseehi" was speaking about is that it was found out that the mother of the student who owns the motorcycle is from the same tribe of gang's head and so he was "generous" to reduce the ransom to a reasonable amount (4 thousand Pounds) !!

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